Crystal Reports: The Complete Reference Series

Crystal Reports 7: The Complete Reference
Crystal Decisions (formerly Seagate Software)
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Seagate Software User Group of North America
Errors and Omissions
Page 252-253 - Making An On Demand Subreport Look Like A Button Or Graphic
The technique to suppress the subreport and move the graphic to back will work fine when you preview the report in Crystal Reports or view the report in Seagate Info's Info Analyzer. However, if you wish to view the report on the web with a Smart Viewer, or use Seagate Info's Info Viewer, this technique may not work. The Smart Viewer and Info Viewer tools don't appear to work the same way as Crystal Reports when objects are placed on top of one another.

Page 276 - Parameter Field Masking Characters table
The less than (<) and greater than (>) edit mask characters to convert parameter field values to uppercase and lowercase are transposed. The > character will convert subsequent letters to uppercase and the < character will convert subsequent letters to lowercase.

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The Ablaze Group
Training and Consulting
Could you use some help on your Crystal Reports project? The author, George Peck, and his team can train and consult for you! You'll find more information on The ABLAZE Group Web site.
